Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Word of the Day

Illustration of one point perspective by Daniel

I was going to use "vanishing point" or possibly "one point perspective" - but since those are both multi-word phrases, orthogonal won out.

As in:
"It was fun to draw a picture using the vanishing point as a guide for the orthogonal lines. This picture illustrated the concept of one point perspective, as seen in Raphael's The School of Athens."

or·thog·o·nal (ôr-thŏg'ə-nəl) adj.
1. Relating to or composed of right angles.
2. Mathematics
Of or relating to a matrix whose transpose equals its inverse.
Of or relating to a linear transformation that preserves the length of vectors.

The School of Athens by Raphael


Suzanne said...

I can see why orthogonal won out, it's just a cool word!

I looked at the word and thought "Ohhh, I know what that means." I liked the visual reminder though.

Keira said...

And now another handy rhetorical tool in my toolbelt.

Way to increase my wordpower.