Saturday, September 6, 2008

6 degrees of Wynn B.

I talked to Marcy a couple of days ago - she was out birthday shopping for Wynn. (BTW, happy birthday Wynn!) anyway, during the conversation I asked her if Wynn had served a mission.

She said yes,

I asked where.

"Mississippi & Louisiana," she said.

"Why didn't you say something while we were there?" I exclaimed. "That's where Steve served his mission."

I think as men get older they don't try so hard to find common ground. Maybe if they had to go to more bridal showers, baby showers and RS activities there would be fewer wars. And rumors of wars.


Keira said...

And she ought to know where Steve served...

They could have chatted about grits and corn pone and cockroaches and cajuns...

Bonds would have been constructed the likes of which would be difficult to calculate.

Suzanne said...

I did my 5th grade state report on Louisiana. I did a 6th grade report on Mississippi. I feel such a bond with Steve and now Wynn.