Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Attack of the Nakedish Art

I'm pretty sure I've never seen this statue with a towel around it.

I'm feeling a little better about WAVA (Washington Virtual Academy) today. No, we haven't received Danny's books, but we were able to do more of his courses online. I didn't realize he would be taking "Intermediate World Art". I remember taking Western Civ in high school and being somewhat embarrassed at the videos that showed nakedish art in our coed classroom. I'm not sure if it's better or worse to view them at home, but at least I will be commenting on them, not the adolescent young thug in the next seat.

On a similar note. Stephanie is taking a figure drawing class this quarter. She'll be contributing her own nakedish art to the world. Or at least to her instructor.


Suzanne said...

So, does Stephanie have to find models for her "fine" art? How many of her children does she get to draw until the instructor says "let's try an adult"?

Glad you saw my "Mona in curlers".

Keira said...

I'm with Suzanne. The world needs some nakedish Trevor tuckus.

Debbie said...

I think the world gets to see a fair amount of nakedish Trevor tuckus (see Stephanie's blog with picture of broken toilet. That was at the church..)

I know she had to draw some "fine" art last semester - her course supplies included a female torso - about 14-18 inches tall - fairly but not completely anatomically correct. I haven't ask if she gets a male one now.