Tuesday, September 30, 2008

The Number of the Day

Nine is the magic number today.

Each month for WAVA (Wash. Virtual Academy) we are given a goal for the percent of lessons to have complete by the end of the month. For the month of September that percent was 9.

9%. That was assuming we started out strong on September 8th. Well....we didn't get our textbooks the first week (t)...so.....that put us behind. A week behind. 3% behind. Then our first week of actually having textbooks was still a bit of a learning curve. We really weren't up to full speed until around the 18th.

Add to that equation my compulsive desire to complete projects on time(d), subtract Daniel's lack of desire to do MORE than one day's work per day(l)...it starts looking something like this:

(7t + 3t)/3% +20d - 20l = 9%

See. It's just a matter of getting the variables right. I'm thinking lunch at Wendy's might be a factor (W).


Suzanne said...

Come on lucky percentages!!! Should I ask how today went? Wendy's for lunch?

Debbie said...

Berore lunch we were able to get 3 classes up to 9%(History, Math, and Literature) and one more to 8%(Science). We are now working on Art - it's just possible we'll get it to 8 or 9, but then we have Language Arts left....

Keira said...

This sounds like the "new math".

I like it. Curiously, it also applies to Visiting teaching.

Debbie said...

As of 3:30pm we have 8% and 9% across the board.

I'm done.

Considering where we were yesterday morning, it's practically a miracle. A miracle that came with hours of hard work.

Suzanne said...

Should I ask what kind of day you're going to have tomorrow? Continue with the death march or slow down for a few days?

Debbie said...

Since we're only down a little bit in art, science and language arts I think we can slow down a bit. Art is only twice a week and I think science is three times a week - so we have some time to work on them. Language arts on the other hand is 2 or 3 times a day - so we'll work a little harder on it.