Sunday, September 21, 2008

Open Mouth, Insert Foot

I was frankly dreading going to Relief Society today. It's been over 2 1/2 years since I've attended RS in my ward.


I was given a slip of paper with a question on it to answer. The question was something along the lines of "How we should treat our bodies..." I started off with the obvious - don't get tattoos, lots of piercings, etc...(because this is where you would start with YW)


Unbeknowst to me, our RS teacher has a tattoo. Oops. Oh well, the doctrine is still true.

"Latter-day prophets strongly discourage the tattooing of the body. Those who disregard this counsel show a lack of respect for themselves and for God. The Apostle Paul taught of the significance of our bodies and the danger of purposefully defiling them: "Know ye not that ye are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you? If any man defile the temple of God, him shall God destroy; for the temple of God is holy, which temple ye are" (1 Corinthians 3:16–17). "


Frankie/mom said...

Go ahead, call me an 'old fogey', BUT it still shocks my senses to see a plethora of 'tats' on a person... & for some reason it offends me even more when it is a female! So add bigot to the name-calling as well. I just wonder what their old, wrinkly bodies will look like with tatoos drooping off them. This is a perfect example of not looking to the future while making a choice to follow a trend today. My mind automatically leaps to conclusions about this 'decorated' person... perhaps hard drinking, drug using, motorcycle riding and/or possibly a felon who got most of his/her tats while in prison! I know it's wrong to judge, but come on now! What are we SUPPOSED to think? :)

Keira said...

Tramp Stamp. That's what I think. Call me an old fogey too...

Samurai Mom said...

How awkward - Did she mention the tatoo? Was she upset? Did you lay down the prophets' words? Was there a rumble? Inquiring minds want to know!

Debbie said...

I didn't find out until after I had finished...the gal beside me whispered into my ear and informed me...I think the teacher took it okay - she sort of grabbed her ankle and laughed. I guess it's common knowledge (or it would be if I had been in RS during the past couple of years). I'm thinking she might be a least I'm going to give her the benefit of the doubt.

The "crowd" in RS is a different kettle of fish than YW. Plain speaking was the order of the day in YW - so there was no question as to what you meant (oh teacher, did you mean it's NOT okay to have sex before marriage?")I guess "sensitivity" is more in vogue in RS. I shall have to curb my darn plain speaking tongue.

Suzanne said...

Way to jump in the deep end your first week back!