Friday, September 19, 2008

Geek Squad

Miracle Max: Go away or I'll call the Brute Squad.
Fezzik: I'm on the Brute Squad.
Miracle Max: [sees Fezzik] You *are* the Brute Squad!

Substitute the word "geek" for "brute" and you have practically any one of the boys at my house.

Nathan is helping put stuff on my nano...but I plan on doing it myself after the bulk download is done.

Not only does Steve rock the free world, but Nathan also rocks. This will be so much better than lugging the boombox cd player around the church to use for seminary.

My nano next to Nathan's classic.


Frankie/mom said...

So you settled on orange! Easier to find in the dark?
So tell me why I need one too! I'm not up to speed on these tech toys. But, so far, I haven't met a electronic gadget I didn't like! So clue me in and congrats on having a husband who's up on it too! Dad would buy me whatever I wanted...just need to know what I want! :) I would pick purple, if they had that color and btw, how much $?

Debbie said...

They DO have purple...the 8gig was $150 the 16gig(mine) was $200. The 16 gig supposedly can hold the equivalent of around 4,000 songs.

You can download just about anything onto it - so far I have all of the standard works, Jesus the Christ, all of the hymns(instrumental) and several cd's that we already own. I know Nathan has lots of conference talks and other books on his. I'm planning on using this in seminary - my classroom is one of the few that don't have a piano...and I'll be using Nathan's portable speakers (they fold up to about the size of a soup can - if the can was rectangular). I don't have a closet in my classroom - I have to keep my stuff in a closet that is around the corner and 3/4 of the way down another hall - smaller is better when you have to lug stuff to and fro every morning (ask Alex - he helps me with the lugging - because that's what kids are for, right?)

Keira said...

I love how much free stuff you can find to upload your ipod with. The church is excellent about getting lectures and conference talks out and I really enjoy Dennis Prager podcasts.

And I looooove the orange. My black one is hard to find at the bottom of my purse.