Saturday, April 26, 2008

Work in Progress

I'm nearly ready to paint my laundry room. Nearly. Steve still needs to get one more piece of beadboard to finish off the construction, and Steve and Nathan are going to tweak the shelves that Nathan built for me, and then hang them.

I finished painting and framing my "art" for the walls. Keira had a great idea for naming them. Piece #1 will be "Sad Clown", #2 - "Dogs Playing Poker", and #3 - "Kitten on Shawl". In reality they are all pictures of trees. Remember yesterday when I said that I pretty much only paint trees? It would just be too boring to name them stuff like "Solitary Tree", "Two Trees", etc... I did branch out (ha ha), and painted a couple of bushes on one (which are just trees minus the trunks), and some water on another. Maybe I should name the trees with water something like "The Ancient Mariner".
Sounds a lot better than "Trees with Pond".


Keira said...

You must name them. I nominate "Autumn Nocturne" for the leafless one. And maybe, "Persephone's Garment" for the leafy one.

You're welcome.

Debbie said...

I don't have any leafless trees.


I thought I might give a shot at trees in blossom sometime - I could use a fancy shmancy French name like....hmmm...I guess I don't know enough French to pull that off. Maybe I'll call Stephanie and ask her for ideas.

Suzanne said...

I really think that you could pull off a leafless tree. Your tree trunks and random limbs are quite remarkable.

I am anxious to see the final series and what names you come up with. :)