Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Superlative Boy

"They keep finding new ways, to celebrate mediocrity," sighs Mr. Incredible.

There is some kind of awards ceremony after school today at the high school. We got a letter to that affect last month - inviting us to attend because Alex has earned a "leadership" award. I'm not quite sure what it's for, and frankly, I don't think Alex knows what it is for either. I'm all for giving pats on the back, when pats are due - but it would be nice to know what it's for.

I'm not implying that Alex is mediocre in any way - he is superlative - in fact, I would go as far as to say he is incredible!


Suzanne said...

That's pretty funny. I was just reading a paper sent home with Emma (no she did not get an award) and they were going to be handing awards out at her school. They (the school) thought that parents would like to participate. WHATEVER!

Keira said...

suuuupppaa ppppoooowwwaaaa.

Debbie said...

Can't say that the "Mr. Incredible" in the exercise video would have inspired me to exercise. But he did look eerily like Mr. Incredible before he worked out. I will now ask Alex to watch the video and translate.