Friday, January 25, 2008

Graduation Day

Tonight is supposed to be the last session for the parenting class Steve and I are taking. I am positively giddy with delight.

The topic for tonights lesson is "Applying Consequences". Too bad they save this one for last - it's way more interesting than, say, "Understanding Child Development".

I was reading last night and came across a great quote about consequences (from the book "Traitors" by Richard Sale):

"....a desire fulfilled is a desire made stronger. By satisfying a wrong desire, you have gained something evil only be lessening your good. You may have more, but you have gained it at the cost of being less. When enough wrong choices have been indulged in long enough, pleasure and fraud prevail over conscience, and that ideal self, the deepest, truest, strongest self of which we all once had an image of, is lost for good."

Is delicious chocolate moose a "wrong desire"?

1 comment:

Keira said...

That tantrum kid looked like Spencer this morning--only he was knocking his head against the floor as well.

And thanks for the Dance of Joy--Balki Bartakamus takes me back.