Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Book of Records

There are so many times I say "boy, do I wish I had brought my camera". Last night was one of those times. For our combined activity with the Young Men/Young Women we did a "Book of Records". The youth got to compete trying to set a ward record for things like:

  • who could stare the longest (16 year old boy)

  • who could do the hula hoop longest (14 year old girl)

  • sing the highest note (14 year old boy)

  • jump the highest (17 year old boy)

  • eat the most crackers in 1 minute (boy)

there were a few other categories, but the one I was in charge of judging was:

One of my girls challenged me - I was only able to get 6 in - but I wasn't really trying. I don't think I could have done more than 8 without gagging.

The girl that won got 15 in her mouth at once. It wasn't really a surprise, we had pegged her as the girl most likely to win. I think I was most surprised at how poorly the boys did. I'm not sure if it had something to do with not wanting to look bad - or if girls just have stronger control over their gag reflex. The first boy that tried it puked. He did come back 2 more times to try again, but his best was 12.

Yup, I got to judge the contest that involved puking. (warning this clip involves real vomit)


Keira said...

Oooooooooooh, okay!

She just rolled with it. But I don't think my period has ever reduced me to puking (or sharing the fact on national tv.)

Debbie said...

She seemed way too perky after yakking - I am never that perky just after barfing.

Okay, okay, I'm never that perky.