Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Superlative Boy II

"In recognition of your outstanding achievements in Social Studies"...???

Evidently this is a monthly award ceremony. Monthly. Each teacher that nominated a student for the award gets up and tells how that particular student showed leadership. Some were specific (food drive, choir manager, etc...) Many were vague (good grades in class, good attitude....) When Mr. Kessler (Alex's teacher) awarded Alex his certificate he stated that Alex was getting his leadership award for his knowledge - whenever there is a question about something in class, instead of turning to the textbook, all eyes turn to Alex. Apparently he writes awesome papers also.

So, basically, Alex gets an award for being Alex.

After they got their awards the kids were invited to introduce any of their family that was there. One mom flew in from UTAH for this award. Yikes. Alex turned it around and when he introduced me he said "That's my mom, I blame this on her."

You go, Superlative Boy.


Suzanne said...

(In a "Meet the Robinson's" voice)

Ohh, it's shiny!

Keira said...

I would have been mortified to be the kid who had to import fans.

Debbie said...

Yeah, there were a few kids that didn't have any parents there. Two or three claimed a friends mom, and a couple just introduced friends that were there.