Thursday, January 17, 2008

Beam Me Up, Scotty

If a tree falls in the forest and nobody hears it, did it make a noise? If a driver screams angrily "move it, you idiot" and nobody hears it, did she really do it? Of course she did.

I had to go pick my husband up rather late from work last night. Boy does 30 minutes make a difference. Andrew or I usually go at around 8:45pm on those nights that Steve works late. But at 9pm the evil road construction gremlins come out and start closing off multiple lanes of the freeway. I wasn't able to leave the house until 9:15pm - so I was totally stuck in traffic, when I really wanted to be home in bed. Times like that it's usually best just to crank up some tunes and go with the flow (or no-flow).

I just want to know when transporter technology will come online.


Keira said...

Chill, relax= chillax.

I really enjoyed all three of your selections today--the Moscow chick looked far to pretty releasing her inner car-dancer, though.

Debbie said...

If I have to go pick up Steve tonight I plan to chillax by cranking up some tunes and doing a little car dancing. Maybe to a little Queen.

Suzanne said...

ABBA. Just sayin'.