Sunday, March 30, 2008

The Best 3 Hours

Try the best 3 minutes.

When we got to church this morning everyone noticed an awful smell in the chapel. It smelled a bit like the 4th of July (without the sulfur). The bishop and his counselors were trying to find the problem (with the help of a ward member who is a general contractor). About 3 minutes after 9am the bishop walked up to the podium and very politely said "Thank you for coming, but we will now evacuate the building. I've talked to the Stake President and he agrees. See you next week, wait, that's General Conference. See you in 2 weeks."

I'd like to report how disappointed we all were, but there definitely seemed to be a bit of a holiday feel. Sort of "schools out!". The nice thing is, I now have plenty of time to watch "The Ten Commandments". Oh, and go visiting teaching.


Suzanne said...

Ok, so what was the problem? I was kinda laughing to think that someone left a "stink" bomb in the building.

Can't wait to hear the rest of this story. Will you be back in the building in two weeks? Will everyone have to watch General Conference at home? Tuned in next week to hear the exciting conclusion to this three minute episode.

Debbie said...

I have no idea what the problem was. It wasn't a stink bomb, more likely some electrical short in the furnace. No one at our building had a key to the furnace room to check it out, so it may be a few days before we find out.

Mad Runner said...

Sounds fishy to me ... hee, hee ...