Friday, March 21, 2008

Other Fish in the Sea?

I fell in love yesterday. We went steady for a little while, and then we broke up. By we, I mean me. I just wasn't ready for the commitment. I mean, sure, who doesn't want a big comfy sofa. I do. I just couldn't justify the acreage it would take up in my living room.

I probably sat on at least 19 different sofas yesterday. The search continues.

(this may just qualify as the lamest countdown entry, but I had so little to work with: potassium, Rutherford B. Hayes, Indiana, Product 19 have to admit Steely Dan is cooler than Rutherford B. Hayes, the state of Indiana and Product 19. Combined.)


Keira said...

I've listened to that song a hundred times and never listened to the lyrics.

And, I have to fight you. Rutherford is MUCH cooler than Steely Dan.

Keira said...

AND Indiana--you could have had a clip from Hoosiers.

Suzanne said...

Slim Pickin'.