Sunday, March 2, 2008

Happy National Reading Day

In like a lion, out like a lamb....

10 reasons I like March :

  1. My last child was born in March.

  2. My first grandchild was born in March.

  3. It's not February.

  4. National Reading Day (they have a DAY for that? - I'd give it a month)

  5. My dad's birthday.

  6. Vernal Eqinox. I will definitely be celebrating the first day of spring this year. I hope I don't put my back out doing backflips (ask Keira).

  7. Easter (this year)

  8. The Ides of March (as in, beware)

  9. Pluto Planet Day (in New Mexico)

  10. It comes just before April, and as of today only 38 days to go.....


Keira said...

In college each year someone would leave little fliers up all over campus: "Beware the ides of March." Very cool.

Debbie said...

I like that ide'a.