Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Alas, Poor Sherri

The good news is that my niece Lauren doesn't have any brain tumors. The MRI she had yesterday showed no abnormalities.

The bad news, my sister Sherri is a fainter. Perhaps a swooner. Jim and his father were called into the imaging room where instead of Lauren having a problem they were surprised to find Sherri lying on the floor.

How very Victorian of her.

Fainting in women was a commonplace trope or stereotype in Victorian England
and in contemporary and modern depictions of the period. Partly this may have been due to genuine ill-health (the respiratory effects of corsets are frequently cited), but it was encouraged by the myth of female invalidity, in which it was fashionable for women to affect an aristocratic frailty and create a scene by fainting at a dramatic moment. - wikipedia "fainting"

I'm glad she wasn't hurt, but what I want to know is...

....did they loosen her stays?


Keira said...

Aristocratic swooning? We all know where you were born Sher.

Mad Runner said...

No stay loosening. Just thought I would try something new and it didn't really work for me. Character building is hard work and I have to say that swooning will not stay as a typical part but could be convenient for a quick exist!