Sunday, March 16, 2008

Right To Privacy

Stephanie and her family came over for dinner this evening. I was talking to Stephanie about my "trials" and she neatly summed up my problem.

I don't like having my life narrated.

I always got a kick out of the asides made by the narrator in Winnie the Pooh (Sebastian Cabot). Turns out, when I have a narrator of my own, I don't care for it quite as much. Maybe if I had a narrator with a strong voice and a fun accent.

...on second thought, I don't think that would help.


Keira said...

I'd like the "Pushing Daisies" narrator. Or the Geiko lizard.

Suzanne said...

Must have a cool accent. Everything sounds better with an accent.

It's funny how some people must have noise, talking, running commentaries. Me? Not so much, I love the sound of silence.