*disclaimer: this is not MY bathtub. Really.
Another busy Saturday. I mopped my floors (but not in high heels), barbered two menfolk, scrubbed out the bathtub, bought the turkey for Thanksgiving (and the trimmings), picked up my Christmas cards, and did the laundry. I got most of Andrew's Christmas shopping done...we just need one or two more things in it, and it's ready to go.
All this and it isn't even 4pm.
Steve just got a call - he has to spend the evening working. I suspect he will have at least a bit of this over Thanksgiving. I'm so glad he can work from home.
I guess I'll call Alex in to make dinner...he chose "Zuppa Toscana" for dinner, now he gets to learn how to make it. All part of my evil plan.
I could actually sit back and relax this evening...and if I do it before 8pm, I might even stay awake.
Saaaturday, is a special day; it's the day we get ready for SUUUNDAY!
Who ever said saturday was a relaxing, fun day? Not if you're LDS, that's for sure! But it does sound as if you made good use of your 'day off'! And all by 4 pm! Good on you!
I like that I didn't even have to make dinner - Alex did all the work on the soup - cutting up bacon, an onion and 4 cups of kale. Browning the bacon and sausage, peeling the potatoes and throwing it all together along with the stock, garlic and some water. All he has to do now is pour in the cream. Yum.
Do you send Christmas gifts for his companion as well? What's the Missionary Mom protocol?
I send stocking stuffer gifts for both (hot wheels, candy, etc..) I don't bother sending anything expensive to missionaries - mostly consumables that they won't have to carry around their mission.
Whew. Busy day, glad you got all it done.
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