Sunday, November 9, 2008

Funky Town

I opened my bedroom door this morning and entered "funky town". As in, my house smells pretty funky this morning.

Since I still sleep with my window open, my bedroom just had a faint whiff of fall leaves, rain, and Dove shampoo (Steve was in the shower)...outside my room it's another world. I'm thinking Danny will be taking the garbage out before church this morning. It's not overly full, but it is definitely overly ripe.

Danny dodged the bullet...Steve just took out the garbage...

Now I think a few open windows might be in order.


Keira said...

We had torrential showers yesterday which means that our twice yearly ant appearances happened (usually no more than one day in autumn and spring because of weather).

So our house smells like the ant spray--which is off-puttingly like baby powder.

Suzanne said...

I had a day like that last week. I smelled something funny on the counter in a Target bag and was too lazy to take it all the way to the garbage. I tossed it into the garage and after an unusually warm day, it smelled FUNKY. I finally took the bag to the garbage, but I had to air out the garage.

Mad Runner said...

Jim's truck had a funky smell for about two weeks. I cleaned and scrubbed the stupid thing down and it still smelled. I finally figured it out. One of the carpool kids had put their unfinished breakfast in the small bag on the back of the seat that is usually only for tissues!