Saturday, November 8, 2008

Beans, beans the musical fruit....

Last night we went to the Elder's Quorum Food Storage Potluck. A good time was had by all.

You can tell the difference between a church social planned by women and one planned by men.

Women: Tablecloths, centerpieces, menu, a program.
Men: tables, food.

Having been involved in more Relief Society socials than I like to remember, I have to say that there is a certain charm to the "less is more" manly style. Especially when it comes time to clean up.

The centerpieces last night consisted of 1 #10 can of food (from our food storage) and Costco water bottles. Oh, and lanterns that people brought with them. The dim lighting really helped the ambiance. Beans just taste a little better in the dark.

The "program" consisted of whatever songs were on my i-pod that Danny chose. And about 20 kids having a ball running around the gym. Some people brought games. I think Alex had the biggest group around him - he's a bit of a Pied Piper when it comes to playing with little kids. He may not be great socially with his peers, but he is an awesome uncle - anyone that is young enough to be a niece or nephew seems to recognize that. He started with 2 kids playing "River Roads and Rails" with him and ended up with about 8.

Prizes were awarded for the best tasting food. Since I had wrapped up 6 prizes, that's how many we gave out. I disqualified myself from getting a prize (but since I knew that the prizes were either a can of Spam OR Vienna Sausages it wasn't much of a sacrifice), after taking into account the family that brought a Costco pie (delicious, but not remotely from food storage), and our family, almost everyone else got a prize.

What food was brought? Let's see...there were homemade refried beans, homemade chili (with beans), black beans and rice (that's what I made), taco soup (with beans). Not everything was bean-based. One family brought cookies and another family brought yakisoba. I also made 2 pans of cornbread - I cooked it at church so that it was hot out of the oven, and someone else brought rolls and freezer jam.


Suzanne said...

That is a whole lotta beans!

Isn't a Costco pie considered food storage? It's big enough to feed a small army (ok, maybe a family with a lot of teenage boys:).

Good save with the cornbread, with all those beans, you needed something to soak them up.

Keira said...

I think Costco totally counts. At least whatever you get from there is in portion-size large enough to last two weeks...

m_perfect said...

Obviously there needs to be a delineation as to what is long term food storage and what is very short term. I agree about the pie. At our house it would last as long as it took me to eat it( that could be awhile or just long enough for me to finish the main course!)