Wednesday, October 1, 2008

It was the best of "times", it was the worst of "times"... A Tale of Two Math Papers

I'm especially impressed that Nathan did his quiz in pen.

I wonder if Charles Dickens had just spent the morning tutoring one of his children in the times tables. If so, I totally get it.

After two grueling days of playing "virtual academy catch-up", we started the month of October off pretty much up to date. It was all downhill from there.

Math is usually a breeze for Danny, but his lack of desire to write any possibly extra words didn't work for him today. He ended up having to go back and do a couple more problems to show that he understood the concepts. Tears ensued. Literature was not so bad - just reading today - no writing. Ah, but then came Composition. Daniel was supposed to write the final draft for his essay, which he did. He isn't supposed to do it on the computer - so it was all neatly hand written. And I failed him. As in, I gave him a failing grade. He probably would have squeaked by with a C- in public school, but that's not the way Washington Virtual Academy works. You have to pass every assessment with 80% or more to show mastery before you can move on. He had 70%. I showed him where the problems lay in his essay (tears again), then he laboriously rewrote it. This time I passed him.

Any volunteers to be a Language Arts tutor? Anyone?? Anyone at all?

World History wasn't too bad...which was nice, because that's where we ended our school day.

Nathan came home soon after and handed me his math quiz. Excellent.


Mad Runner said...

I tutored 4 fifth graders last year in Language Arts and Literature - I'm happy to take it over. Kids are always better for someone else. I have availability M, W, & F before 2 pm.... Just call me...

Keira said...

You couldn't pay me enough to teach Jonah at home. We would have tears daily.