Tuesday, October 7, 2008

G.U.M. Woes

Gum is a sticky subject.

G.U.M. Grammar, Usage and Mastery. This would be perhaps my least favorite class to teach. Mostly because I know so little about it. Because of time constraints yesterday we didn't get around to the lesson, so that gave us 2 for today. The first wasn't too bad: direct and indirect objects. Piece of cake...unfortunately it gave us a false sense of security...
Predicate Nominatives and Compound Predicate Nominatives.
I'm pretty sure those hadn't been invented by 1972. Which coincidentally is the last time I actually had a class on sentence structure. All I remember from then is nouns, verbs, adjectives, subjects and conjunctions. That's about it. Yikes. Oh well, I'm bound to pick up a little language arts mastery along the way. My hope is that Daniel does also.


Keira said...

I find that the punctuation I get the most dishonest mileage out of is the "dash". Who knows how many semi-colons I'm neglecting in favor of a dash.

Debbie said...

Dash and dot, dot, dot. I probably way overuse them... but...those...dots... are... so...useful...

Stephen said...

Compound Predicate Nominatives...-...who ever came up with that most have had a compound fracture of the skull...I guess you need to come up with new ideas - to prove your worth.