Tuesday, October 14, 2008

California, the Rest of the Story.

I promise, these are the last pictures of our trip to California last weekend. All of these were taken on Saturday, October 11 (my birthday). As you can see the weather was awesome, if a tad bit windy. The view from David's apartment. In the foreground is City Hall and the Opera House, in the background you can just see the upper part of the Golden Gate Bridge.
We took the ferry from S.F. to Sausalito - just for fun. Here's David with his friend Xuehui Li (pronounced "shoe hoy"). She's a very nice girl from China (somewhere in the middle). She recently moved to the bay area from Florida where she earned her PhD in computer engineering.

The ferry was a great place to be to watch the Blue Angels performing aerial feats of daring and precision...it's almost as if they knew it was my birthday.


Keira said...

All that lovely sun...Sure you've got the wind but in S.F. it's either wind or fog--take your pick.

Suzanne said...

Very pretty pics. You certainly got a lot packed into a short trip.

m_perfect said...

When I was last in SF it was sunny too...weird or apocalyptal, which I don't know!
David looks good and so does the view from his apartment.
Again with the happy, happys!

Mad Runner said...

It's not the time of year for fog there. It is funny but from late August through the first of November it is actually warmer there, in general, than in San Jose. It is a beautiful view David!

Stephen said...

Thank you Sherri for putting up with us. We enjoyed it.

We had a great day with you David. It was nice to be with you and to meet Xuehui.