Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Goodnight Ladies.

Tomorrow's seminary lesson...
It's too bad we don't do wings on angels, because I love this picture.

Mission presidents are awesome. So are their wives.

Today we got the letter saying how happy they are to have our son serving in their mission. Accompanying the letter was not only a picture of Andrew and President and Sister McIntyre but also one with another elder - I'm assuming it's his companion.

I would be happy to post the pictures, but they mysteriously disappeared along with my husband...but I'm not complaining. Steve took the boys to YM so that I could stay home and finish up my seminary lesson for tomorrow. I don't begrudge him taking the pictures, and the letter, AND the map of the mission w/ Andrew's area highlighted in yellow...really I don't.

1 comment:

m_perfect said...

That "really I don't" just crackles with sarcasm...I know you so well and am glad that it is not directed at me ( for once ;)
Love ya and will look forward to the pictures!