Monday, August 11, 2008

Resetting my internal clock.

I decided a couple of weeks ago that as soon as we got back from vacation I would try and reset my internal clock for "seminary time". It's not so much that I need to get up way earlier, it's that I need to get up a little earlier AND be coherent. Yeah. Anyway, last night I was sort of getting ready for bed around 9pm - so far, so good. I had been doing some research for seminary on my computer and I accidentally came across this blog. Wow. I didn't get to bed for nearly another hour and a half.

I now have a new favorite phrase to describe Fast and Testimony meeting. "Open mic Sunday".

New phrase to describe Utah - "behind the Zion Curtain".


Samurai Mom said...

Oh, WOW. I can't thank you enough for that link. I am so grateful for a normal ward where the weirdest thing that happens is when Kiera makes jokes that no one gets...

Debbie said...

Glad to help. I'm in a fairly mainstream ward right now, but I have been in wards with some weird people. Lucky me, I was Relief Society pres. in one of those wards. One of our RS teachers taught a lesson about abuse and proceeded to give a very graphic account of...well, let's just say that more than a few people were squirming.