Wednesday, August 13, 2008

I Found It!

Dear Husband (aka Steve) has been a little stressed out for the past couple of days. After coming home from a week of shaveless camping he manfully shaved off his 6 day old beard and then discovered or rather didn't discover the charger for his rechargeable razor. Oops. His razor usually lasts a week or so after being plugged in and charged up. He's been wracking his brain trying to remember where he last used it (in the meantime having to go without shaving due to lack of charge).

Did he take it to Salt Lake with him and leave it there?
Did he take it to Portland and leave it at Tia's house?
Did he have it in the van while we were camping?

Questions, questions.

I prove yet again my superior lost and foundage. Lost and findability? Lost and founded?

Whatever...I found it.


Stephen said...

Thank you. I bow to your superior finding abilities.

Someone has to lose things or you would not be able to exercise your findablity. And what a boring life that would make.

Keira said...

I don't think men come with the "finding" gene.

Suzanne said...

I need to find a NEW charger for my phone...will you help me?

Debbie said...

Look in the bottom of your closet under your husbands new sweatshirt that he paid too much for because he forgot to take his coat to work on the day that they had an outside barbeque (just kidding - Steve totally had store credit).