Wednesday, August 20, 2008

My Own Private "Idaho"

Steve and I were in the planning stages of a week long vacation. We had initially been looking at going somewhere (by we, I mean just the two of us) during fall or winter. With my new calling we thought we would bump it up and go right before school/seminary start. Pretty much that meant next week. Almost decided to go on an Alaskan cruise (RT out of Seattle is pretty darn easy), but since I've gone on two and Steve has been on one Alaskan cruise already, we felt our vacation dollars could be better spent elsewhere.

We had just about settled on 5 days on the Olympic Peninsula when Marcy called with her wedding plans.

Last I checked, the Olympic Peninsula is the opposite direction from Idaho. we wrap together vacation and wedding? Steve said we could just do the wedding as a "side trip". Sorry honey, but 1,600+ miles NEVER qualifies as a side trip. Unless maybe you're an astronaut.

Any suggestions?


Keira said...

Northern Idaho is beautiful but doesn't meet your "lack of wild beasts and close proximity" requirements.

I'm drawing a blank unless you want to go to Yellowstone...

Suzanne said...

That was my first thought, Jellystone.

AM Runner CA said...

I hear Mars is nice this time of year. I hope it isn't a marcy getting there but I hear the trip can be idaho. -HA!HA!

Debbie said...

Yeah, but what's the origami like when you get there?