Friday, August 15, 2008

Bring On the (more) Obscure Sports!

I get a little fed up with the amount of coverage (or lack of "coverage") beach volleyball gets - when there is a lot more going on in Olympics than just swimming, volleyball, gymnastics. And I don't mean water polo.

Why do we have to sit through (okay, with DVR I skip through) countless qualifying swimming heats, but don't get to see even a little skeet shooting, badminton or dressage? What, you may ask, is dressage? That is exactly my point. If they don't show a little dressage in the Olympics most people will be just plain ignorant of the fact that is has to do with the equestrian events (horses). You gotta love an event where the competitors dress up in top hats. I also think it's cool that this is one of only three sports that men and women get to compete together.

I hope they get separate locker rooms.

I'm not saying that I want to watch hours of archery, kayaking or ping pong (sorry, table tennis), but I'd like a little taste of them. I depend on the Olympics for a two years supply of ALL of my sports fixes.


Stephanie said...

I want the . . . what is called . . . penathalon. Based on the ideal cavalry soldier, it involves riding an unfamiliar horse, shooting, swimming, and a couple other things. Sounds cool to me!

Keira said...

I like the feats of strength. Weight lifting or wrestling...

Nothing like a paunchy Slav to start your day...

Suzanne said...

I'll take Olympic potpourri for $100 Alex.

Samurai Mom said...

I am all for a little archery