Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Sugar High

Went to the end of school year picnic at the SHoPP office today with Danny and Trevor. I had to apologize to Stephanie when I dropped Trevor off at home - apologize for the lack of nutrients in his comestibles.

At the "picnic" (it was raining - so the picnic was indoors) they had 2 long tables pushed together. On one table were submarine sandwiches and chips....okay....the other table was completely taken over with cookies and cakes. Trevor declined to eat a sandwich (following the example of his uncle) - and proceeded to eat 3 kinds of chips and 4 or 5 cookies.

On the plus side, 3 of the cookies he ate were ones that I had made - using Suzanne's pudding cookie recipe. Thank you, Sue.


Keira said...

Again, no "after" picture? Falling down in your bloggy duties I think, Deb.

My kids would have done the exact same thing. My rule is to never show them the good stuff until they've gone through the bad stuff. (I break this rule all the time and loading a normal plate of salad, spaghetti and some bread only encourages my son to eat the bread and ask for seconds.)

Suzanne said...

So, did you make different types or stick to good ole chocolate chip?

Debbie said...

I went with what I had...semi-sweet chocolate chips. I was too cheap to buy any other add-ins.