Wednesday, February 20, 2008


Daniel's 13th birthday is coming right up. The night before last he wrote up his birthday list. It goes like this:

  1. 500 GB External Hard Drive

  2. New Sunday pants

  3. More long sleeve shirts

  4. More underwear

  5. New robe

  6. New snow gloves

  7. No jokes

  8. New shoes/socks

  9. Please get #1

  10. A mind

  11. 1 game from Game Crazy that's my choice. I want the first one more.

Read This!

Hmm...I wonder what he wants?

I did get a kick out of socks/shoes/underwear/pants/robe/shirts...This from a kid that would wear the same clothes for a week if you didn't tell him to shower and change. He's been angling for a new computer for a couple of months now. We keep telling him that when Andrew leaves he could probably inherit that one (which is less than a year old...I think). He figures that Nathan will want to use it - so he (Daniel) should get a new one. I'm impressed that he only asked for a new hard drive. Of course, I'd much rather get him a new bike. We'll have to see how that works out.

1 comment:

Keira said...

Necessity is the mother/younger brother to invention.

Jonah does this too. Nice touch Danny had, though, to throw in boring stuff--he's herding you in one direction.