21/2 finals down, 3 1/2 to go.
Yesterday we did 3 hours of Science, then 2 hours of Literature...which was enough to finish Science and get through a recitation and the on-line portion of Literature. Today is the big kahuna - World History. I'm sure we'll get through it today - but that may be the only thing...I predict about 3 to 4 hours of review then 1 hour (at least) for the test - plus I'm pretty sure there will be at least one or two essay questions. Yikes.
I like Danny's thinking...who could forget that the marshmallow hat guy ruled the footstool empire?!
Good luck getting through all the studying..oh, and the test.
Suliman the Magnificent was one of the few Ottoman rulers that I vividly remember. He knew how to pick a great name...
After 3 1/2 hours of review and 2 hours of test/essay, I'm happy to say that Danny passed his history final with a score of 92%. Whew.
I love history....it rarely changes and what you remember is pretty much good for always...I mean, Sulieman is not going to get a new hat next year so this is it on mneumonic devices for him! You do get different takes on it though. We watched a newer version of Ivanhoe yesterday and Richard was pretty much a jerk ( which apparently is true)...Eleanor was the only one I truly liked, I want to be her when I grow up.
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