Monday, January 5, 2009

Our Man in Japan

(Spiritual Strength)

Dear Family and Friends,

I already typed this email but right as I was finishing the computer restarted so this will be the shorter version...

This past Sunday Maria was finally baptized. Things went well with that. She should be confirmed next week. If anyone is ever asked to schedule a baptismal service for a convert make sure that you communicate with the missionaries. If the missionaries say `The baptismal service should be at 2 PM` make sure to schedule it then and not at 1:20 PM. It might not seem like a big difference but when people such as the mission president, other missionaries, the person receiving baptism, and investigators were told it was at 2 PM then it causes difficulties. Anyways... It worked out and I`m happy about the baptism but I`m also happy it`s over.

Monday was pretty good. We had a good zone conference. That`s where about half the mission gets together and receives training. Every area/companionship received cell phones. It should be cheaper and more effective. Cheaper because Japan has never heard of free or even cheap local calling but with cell phones we`re all in the same family plan so calling each other should be free. More effective because we`re not in our apartment most of the day.

Thank you everyone for your letters, and the pictures. Any suggestions for a missionary giving a talk on setting goals? Or does anyone know what the sacrament meeting topic is for January 18th, I`m not sure whether it`s the same everywhere or not though. I`d just like to read what the theme and sub-theme are in English rather than Kanji. Alrighty, that`s it I guess. Feel free to ask questions if you ever are curious about things.


Elder West.

1 comment:

Keira said...

I love the idea that they're on a "family plan". Cell phones do make a ton more sense--one to each companionship.

And why isn't local calling cheap in Japan--our post-war infrastructure failed them?