Sunday, January 4, 2009

Time for Change

We are fortunate to only have 2 wards that meet in our building. Not only that, but our building is a former stake center, so no problems parking two wards at once. It's an older building with some weird design choices (there are no inside halls connecting one side to the other - it's either the gym, the stage or outside). For the first few years that we only had 2 wards (after the NEW stake center was completed), our two wards took turns with 9am and 11am. Yes, we overlapped, but the only real downside was hearing Priesthood opening song from one ward during the sacrament in the other ward. Not really a deal breaker in my book - I liked hearing the guys singing.

The other ward got new leadership about 3 years ago and all that started to change - they decided that they didn't like overlapping, so when January came around we didn't move to 11am that year...we moved to 1pm. I spent most of the year being disgruntled about that. The next January came around....happy day...we were back at 9am. Yea!! Was the other ward at 1pm?? No. They were at 11am. Hmmm...

That brings us up to today. It's our wards turn to be at the later time. Will it be 1pm? (I've spent two years lobbying against that-but there are a lot of strange people who like to sleep in really late), will it be 11am???

Our new time is 11:30am. I'm okay with that - it could be worse.


Frankie/mom said...

Been there & had that...same experience. Somehow when the time change for the 'other' ward was to be changed to 'earlier'! Yes, murmuring ensued. No Fair! We suffered the 1 pm meeting, so should they. (btw, this was not here in C.G.)
We have had the 11 am starting time for 3 years and they've changed us to 9 am; started today. Dad loves it, but he'd like 7 go figure!!! I'm happy with 9, but would LOVE 10! Are we ever happy? :)

Suzanne said...

The gospel is truer at 9. Amen.

Keira said...

11:30 is neither here nor there. What a bummer. We're at 9 which is great but it was a mad scramble this morning.

The gospel is truest at 10.

Stephanie said...

We're with Keira. Gospel truth distlls at ten (if we really work to get the kids ready that early).