Sunday, December 30, 2007

Tinkering around.

Tinker Toys, Lincoln Logs, Erector Sets, Legos, K'nex....what's your fancy?

At our house we have been into K'nex ever since giving Nathan a set for his 8th birthday. I think K'nex have only been around 15 years or so - and since Nathan is now 22 years old, we've been in on K'nex almost from the start.

Grandma Erminie sent me some money this year to buy the boys something for Christmas that they would enjoy - so when I saw the roller coaster, I knew that was it. Andrew put it together, all 1,100+ parts, on Christmas day. It's not the biggest model they've ever built, but it is pretty fun.

I just need to find a place to keep it for 3 months until Nathan gets home....

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