Friday, January 15, 2010

Fashion Divas? Maybe not.

Marcy and I must have been considered old enough to dress ourselves - and evidently we did.  My outfit is fairly coordinated - and as long as you don't notice that I'm wearing a shirt that's 2 sizes too small, it's fine.  Marcy.  Wow.  Creative use of color and pattern. Someone else must have helped Sherri.

My question is...why take a picture?  Don't get me wrong, I love the pictures - but why get the camera out just then??  My guess is that Grandma or Grandpa Hanna took the picture while visiting us. As a grandparent myself, I can understand that.


Frankie/mom said...

love the 'dutch-boy' haircuts! You are all adorable!

Suzanne said...

I love that your shirt is two sizes to small.

Mad Runner said...

It's funny to think I'm the coordinated one. HA!

dolph09 said...

very nice cute picture!