Friday, October 28, 2011

Best in Show

This was our year!  Granted, the competition was pretty light, but I think our pumpkins were pretty dang awesome.  I made the pattern myself - sort of.  I screen captured the ones that I had pinned on Pinterest, then enlarged them a bit and printed them up, traced with a push pin - then I cut out Ferb, Steve did Phineas. I'm pretty sure we'll be impressing some trick or treaters with these babies on Monday.

Not only did we get 'certificates', we also got some booty.


Stephanie said...

Jealous grandkids.
It's a bit late to fly out for trick-or-treating.
BTW-Time Out for Women is coming to Atlanta next year. I think they do group discounts. Wanna come?

Debbie said...

When is it?