Practically - but not quite. Just wait until Monday morning when school starts and he has to pay the piper (me) and catch up on his late assignments.
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Pac Man
Practically - but not quite. Just wait until Monday morning when school starts and he has to pay the piper (me) and catch up on his late assignments.
Friday, October 30, 2009
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Happy 24th Birthday ...Yesterday!
- leftover Funfetti sprinkles and lit candles are the culinary equivalent of putty and paint(which "make things what they ain't).
- this style will be know as "Birwedding Cake" - a combo birthday/wedding style. Lots of layers like a wedding cake (made of my cream cheese pound cake) and frosted like a birthday cake with Nutella and cream cheese frosting.
- Snorlax cake topper. Nathan's choice.
- I think he really liked the presents we got him...I think.
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Argh, maybe.
This is my effort at pumpkin carving this year. Not too bad considering what I had to work with.
Here's what I had to work with:
- a slightly undersized, under ripe pumpkin (it was the biggest homegrown one we had left - I wasn't about to waste valuable bunker money on something as ephemeral as a carved pumpkin)
- a bum left wrist.
- a burned right thumb.
- I forgot to put on my glasses, so I had to squint at the pumpkin the whole time I was carving it...come to think of it, I probably did look slightly pirate-ish.
- I carved it while Danny rewrote his History essay...the one he had just about finished (all but the bibliography)...before the computer died.
If I had had a larger pumpkin, I definitely would have tried something with more scope...possibly Star Wars related. I've been know to carve a mean Darth Vadar.
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Moving Picture
- Monday: left our house at 5:50am. Arrived at Mountain Home AFB in time for dinner.
- Tuesday: I know they drove to SLC...visited Temple Square and then spent a little while at Aunt Debbie's house - so they could visit with her and Grandma Erminie (see picture). Spent the night at Hill AFB.
- Wednesday: Drove through Wyoming then down to Colorado where they spent the night at Aunt Suzanne's house.
- Thursday: Some snow and ice on the road in Colorado...but they made it to Wichita, Kansas that night.
- Friday: Wichita to Little Rock. Noticed that all the good roads were toll roads.
- Saturday: Little Rock to Atlanta. Noticed that rest stops are perhaps not as common as would be appreciated.
- Sunday: Atlanta to Charleston.
The final stretch wasn't too long of a stretch - they made it from Atlanta to Charleston by about 1:30pm - just a little too late for church. They had entered their new house address as "home" on their GPS - so they swung by there before heading over to Charleston AFB - where they will be staying for the next 2 nights - until they close on the new house. The Elder's Quorum of their new ward has been alerted to the move in - so that should go really fast. Stephanie and Cory were brutal about getting rid of stuff when they were packing up their old house - so they only have one POD to empty.
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Cough Drops for the Soul
I've been pretty much under the weather for the past week...I started getting a tiny sore throat on Monday...then it got a little worse on Tuesday. By Wednesday it was a full-blown cold. Itchy eyes, streaming nose, fever, hacking cough. Yeah. I haven't been sleeping well for the past few nights due to coughing myself awake every time I would doze off.
When Deann called me yesterday morning - to discuss seminary for Monday - I'm pretty sure I must have sounded totally pathetic. A while later Danny comes into my office with a bag of cough drops. I hadn't even heard Deann come to the door.
Thank you Deann. I slept better last night.
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Ain't No Mountain High Enough
Countless loads of washing and drying...a mountain of folding...and I'm down to the last load. Wahoo. I even mopped the floor - I think I'll leave Nathan to scrubbing the shower. I could offer to pay him with my ill gotten gains...
...the 71 cents and one game token earned by "money laundering".
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Our Man in Japan

This past Monday we went to a stake Undokai it means exercise meeting literally but it`s a sports activity. It was fun they had a bunch of games and races. The weather was really good as well.
Oh yeah, there was also a harvest festival thing. They call it Danjiri, some people from the neighborhoods go around in a portable shrine looking [for/at?]things and chant/sing stuff. I heard one that was practicing in front of our apartment singing some Japanese song that went to the tune of `Yankee Doodle` and after that `I`ve been working on the railroad` It made me smile. It`s interesting to watch for a bit, but not fun for traffic.
There`s really not much to write this week. Please take care.
Elder West.
PS. I`m thinking of sending a Christmas package sometime but have no idea what to send. Please tell me what you`d like me to send.
Friday, October 16, 2009
In The Ghetto...or...
I'm feeling very trashy here at the old homestead. Hopefully Home Depot still carries this brand of blinds - because I really don't want to replace all three of the blinds in the bay window.
And now we sing...
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Apron #4
I'm getting faster at making these aprons - but I still wouldn't mind having a sewing buddy. Any takers?
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Apron #3
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Secret Keeper
It all started for me on Thursday(it was weeks in the planning for the rest of the conspirators). Steve and I spent the day down in Seattle (see previous blog post). A beautiful day...but wait! It's not over yet! You can look at the details of the planning over on Steve's blog, but since I was the receiver of all this fabulous is my take on it.
Much to my surprise, I loved being surprised. Not all surprises are good - but wow, was this one. Steve did an awesome job with his part of the whole con job. It didn't hurt that I love any excuse to get together with my siblings. It was amazing that no one spilled the beans...Brian and Jody, Marcy, Sherri, Keira, Tia and Suzanne...all of them here for my birthday! It almost makes me want to turn 50 again. Almost.
I wasn't all that amazed when Brian and Jody came to the door on Thursday night. Brian had mentioned several weeks ago that he and Jody might head up to Seattle for their anniversary. I told him at the time, that we might not be in town - since it was going to be my birthday weekend and there was a possibility that Steve and I might take off for the weekend. When they showed up unannounced, I put it down to male forgetfulness - I figured Brian had just neglected to call. No problem. When the other 5 siblings came in an hour and a half later...well, I was gobsmacked. My first thought (when my brain finally caught up) was "where I am going to put them all?!?" I already knew that Brian and Jody were staying in Seattle. It turned out that Sherri, Marcy, Sue and Tia were staying at the Holiday Inn - that just left Keira and 10 month old Zachary to stay with us. I had just about enough room for them.
We had our usual awesome time - punctuated by loud crying from Zac (who we're pretty sure is the spawn of....never mind). After going to the temple on Saturday we decided to spend the afternoon back at my house doing various projects. Marcy was working on jewelry, Sherri was making headbands and the rest of us were sewing aprons. Well, I was sewing - Suzanne was cutting and ironing, Keira did a lot of the pinning and Tia held the spatula (just kidding!). We decided it must be a "Super Saturday"...a "Super Sister Saturday". Next time we get together it'll be at Suzanne's house (her house is much bigger than mine). We're thinking maybe in April.
My favorite part of the weekend (besides family)? When Steve had me close my eyes while he got down on his knees in from of me and then proposed to me all over again...while presenting me with a beautiful new ring (to replace the two he cut off). Sweet.
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Greek food, flowers, a troll and locks.
Right off the bat we totally scored a parking place right around the block from Pike Place Market. We had a nice leisurely stroll through the market - it was only a little crowded. We picked up some spanakopita and baklava for lunch, bought some flavored honey to take home (we buy some every time we go...which fortunately isn't too often) and two large bouquets of flowers ( at $5 a bouquet I could have bought more...) and then we headed back to the car.
Our next stop was the Fremont Troll...we only had to cross the bridge twice to find it. It was almost a case of "you can't get there from here"...but we persevered and found it.
Hiram M. Chittenden Locks were next. We watched 3 different boats being raised or lowered in the two different locks. There was only one fish in the fish ladder, but hey, it could have been worse.
Our final stop was Top Ten Toys. It's too far away from home to go very often, and it would be expensive to take kids there - so it was nice to go while we were in the neighborhood, without kids. It leans more towards educational/imaginative toys and books...they don't have a video game section, there is no "Barbie" section, no "Hot Wheels", no Disney. After drooling a little over their large selection of Playmobil, I ended up getting Stephanie a pack of activity cards - 100 activities to do with small children in the car...hopefully it will help with their cross-country car trip coming up soon.
It was a beautiful day in the neighborhood.