Thank goodness for baths. He happily played in the tub for at least 20 minutes - while we waited for the stuck on Rice Krispies to come unstuck.
Monday, June 30, 2008
Baby Love
Thank goodness for baths. He happily played in the tub for at least 20 minutes - while we waited for the stuck on Rice Krispies to come unstuck.
Sunday, June 29, 2008
Summer is Here.
Saturday, June 28, 2008
Word of the Day
v. lolled, loll·ing, lolls
1. To move, stand, or recline in an indolent or relaxed manner.
After 4 days of girls camp, this is what I would like to do today. Unfortunately I only have this morning to do it, so I plan to make the most of it. All the kids are gone, I won't be picking up my camp gear (dirty laundry, etc) until around noon - so it would be pointless to start the laundry such time as I must "get my rear in gear", I plan to loll.
Monday, June 23, 2008
28 years...
Remember our first car? A 1962 Rambler. It had bench seats. Those were the days. Somehow mini-vans just aren't the same thing.
Ah well, we'll always have Paris.
Sunday, June 22, 2008
Pack Man
Actually, I just take what I want and they get to wrestle for 2nd best.
Saturday, June 21, 2008
The Dead Zone
Friday, June 20, 2008
Summer Vacation: Off and Running
Nathan - Regional YSA Conference all this weekend - back on Sunday night, then starts college on Monday. That will last through mid-August.
Daniel - campout next weekend (where he will be carrying an ax - so it may be his only activity this summer), Scout camp in mid-July, then the 50 miler in August.
Alter Ego(s)
Steve, Alex, Daniel and I went to Costco yesterday to buy glasses. It's really too bad that the sales clerks there don't work on a commission - between us all we bought 6 pairs of glasses. It obviously wasn't a very busy time for the sales clerks - because the older guy that worked there latched on to me (metaphorically speaking). I would really have preferred to browse in peace - trying on all the glasses by myself, but he just wouldn't go. I kept trying to send him over to help Steve or the boys, but nope, he stayed right by me. I suppose it was my own fault - I told him they were my first glasses - so he stayed to give me a lot of (unasked for)advice.
Danny had a great time choosing frames - although Steve and I both vetoed a ton of his choices. He kept trying on big glasses (think Elliot Gould in Ocean's 11 (just leave the sound off - some bad language in clip)). Steve didn't really like Danny's final choice - but I could live with them. Considering he probably won't wear them often I figured it didn't matter too much. Steve did have him get a second pair that were much more ordinary. It'll be fun to watch the two of them negotiate on when and where he can wear his fancy ones (they really aren't that bad - the frames are Converse - they have thickish black plastic frames - which is what Steve doesn't like. I think they remind him of the dreaded BCG's).
Alex got different frames too - his new ones are a little more trendy than his old ones - but they aren't too "out there".
Steve got new prescription sunglasses. They will be much nicer looking than his old ones. Much.
We will look like a totally different family in a couple of weeks. Ready to don our new secret identities.
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Fashion Eyewear VS. BCG's
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
I've Got An Axe To Grind
Danny's Scoutmaster informed me last night that Danny needs an axe for his campout next week.
I'm not generally a nervous mom - I've seen my share (some might think MORE than my share) of broken bones and injuries needing stitches. I handle them fairly well (okay, I make Steve take them to the hospital/walk-in clinic - if he's home - but mostly because I hate to sit around in waiting rooms). But I dunno, something about giving a 13 year old boy an axe gives me the willies.
Double Vision
Had an eye doctor appointment this morning. This was the 4th eye doctor appointment that I've had in my life. The first one was when I was about 20. My eyes were just fine. The second one was when I was in my early 30's . Again, fine. I was 41 for my third visit. Fine.
Today I got my first prescription for glasses. Turns out I'm near sighted in my left eye and far sighted in my right eye. Together they mostly compensate - so I can usually see just fine. I have noticed over the last year that reading in bed was getting to be a bit harder - late at night when my eyes get tired they don't help each other out quite as well.
Tomorrow I plan to go shopping for glasses. Can you pop over for an hour or two, Sue?
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Poster Girl
I don't mind volunteering to make posters. It's fun, easy and a great way to impress people with my fairly non-existent artistic abilities. I'm pretty adept at copying - which does go a long way towards compensating for said "artistic abilities".
Monday, June 16, 2008
Politics is for the Birds
The Washington Legislature struggled to adopt an official state bird for the state for at least twenty-three years beginning in 1928.
In 1928, the first of three campaigns was produced to decide on an appropriate bird to represent Washington. State legislators approached Washington school children with the question. Overwhelmingly, the children decided that the western meadowlark was the best choice. The meadowlark is a wonderful bird, but legislators were concerned that this bird was popular in too many other states. Two other states had just adopted the western meadowlark (1927) as their own. Next door, the Governor of Oregon had proclaimed the western meadowlark that state's official bird and in Wyoming, the Legislature had adopted the western meadowlark as its official state bird. The western meadowlark was popular, though unofficial, in several other states as well.
The Washington Legislature did not take any action on the 1928 vote and, in 1931, the Washington Federation of Women's Clubs sponsored another state-wide referendum. In this contest, the willow goldfinch (American goldfinch) made a strong showing over the western tanager, the song sparrow, the junco and the pileated woodpecker.
By 1951, after two state-wide contests, the Washington Legislature still had not approved a bird to officially represent the state. They called for run-off between the western meadowlark and the willow goldfinch.
The willow goldfinch (American goldfinch) was adopted as the official state bird of the State of Washington in 1951.
And now you know.
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Happy Father's Day!
Saturday, June 14, 2008
Word of the Day

1. Of or having to do with an uncle.
2. Regarded as characteristic of an uncle, especially in benevolence or tolerance.
Friday, June 13, 2008
Word of the Day

–verb (used with object)
1. to make smart or spruce: She titivated her old dress with a new belt. –verb (used without object)
2. to make oneself smart or spruce.
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Whites Are The Silverware of Laundry

Having 5 men (including Alex and Daniel) in the house means that much of it looks nearly the same - and heaven help you if one person gets another person's underwear (socks, t-shirt, etc..). I really should wash the whites first - but usually someone is taking a shower right then and I'm not so heartless as to deprive them of water.
And on a totally unrelated subject....
Trampoline, The Sequel
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Sugar High

Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Another Reason To Love Wii Fit

Anything to get them to work on their Personal Progress.
Monday, June 9, 2008
Winding Down

Game On

Sunday, June 8, 2008
Technology Rocks

It's Sunday night and I'm helping Alex finish up a report board for his history class. He had to do a timeline on a topic that he chose from the 20th century. He chose "Nuclear Stuff During the Cold War" I think his title will be "From Atom Bombs to Star Wars, A Brief Look At Technology During the Cold War". I'm just helping to find pictures for it.
I have been helping my kids to do reports like this for years - heck - practically for decades. As I look back at how difficult, costly and time consuming they used to be - I'm pleased and amazed at how easy it all is now.
Me: "Alex, would you like a picture of Chernobyl?
Alex: "Sure."
Me: (1 minutes later) "Which picture would you like?"
It's ridiculously easy. I think the next step in technology will allow us to link audio/visual for a sequential image, stereophonic, multi-media event.
Saturday, June 7, 2008

Parallel Universe?

For some strange reason we don't have the same problem with toenail clippers. In fact, I'm not sure why we have so many - I never buy them. Hmmm....maybe they are really fingernail clippers that have mutated...
Friday, June 6, 2008
Awesome Super Powers

Trevor said he would have "angry eyes" and look at bad guys. Boy are those two different.
Silence is Golden

....but not today.
Thursday, June 5, 2008
Witty Phrases for $1000
Keira introduced me to my new favorite phrase "a curate's egg". I totally think our family can pull it off. At least to each other. I dare you to use it in a sentence tomorrow.
Fall Back Position

Do Not Adjust Your Set
I went shopping with Stephanie yesterday (for her birthday). While I was gone I gave Daniel his last school assignment for the day. He was to write and illustrate a haiku. Being Danny, he tried taking the easy way out by writing a haiku about Jack and Jill:
Not his best effort, but we're still working on substance. He found a drawing of Jack and Jill on the internet - so he printed it out and colored it. This is where his red/green color deficiency bit him. He thought he was coloring the faces a nice flesh color. Last I checked, green is not really a flesh color (on our planet). Maybe Jack and Jill fell down because they had food poisoning?
We'll be working on haiku and illustrations again today. With more adult supervision this time.
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
We have a couple of cats that run around in our neighborhood - one of them is an orange striped tabby. I was told that it belongs to the neighbors a couple of doors down. I quite like this cat. I'm not sure how much the neighbors feed it (it looks well fed), but whether they feed it or not it looks perfectly capable of supporting itself. I have seen it 3 or 4 times catching mice outside. Another one of our neighbors told Steve that it has caught birds and bunnies (I guess they rescued the bunny).
If only we could teach it to catch moles.
Happy Birtday, Stephanie!
I spent last night cooking dinner for tonight - I made cake, soup (zuppa tuscana), and prepared ribs (all I need to do is throw them on the grill). Nathan will make breadsticks this afternoon. I asked my boys to babysit this afternoon so that I could take Stephanie shopping for her birthday, then we can have an easy dinner and cake when we get home.
Happy Birthday Stephanie.
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
The Mystery of the Lost Pants

We finally found 3 pairs of jeans, 2 pairs of warm-up pants and a pair of sweats, not to mention several shirts and a pair of socks....under the pillows on his bed. Don't ask.
Monday, June 2, 2008
Family Fight Night

Tonight we put new meaning to the phrase as we played with the Wii Fit games for our activity. After Alex and Daniel gave their lessons, we kicked back to cheer each other (and critique) as we each attempted new high scores for the ski jump. Nathan is still the undefeated champion, but Alex gave a respectable 3rd place showing. Nathan gave us a boxing demonstration afterwards - thus "fight night".
Sunday, June 1, 2008
Guns and Ladders

An Eye For An Eye

Then I'm gonna need Suzanne to help me pick out glasses.